Knights @Spellenspektakel

Saturday 5 November 10:00

Jaarbeurs Utrecht

Organised by Bamboo Generals

2 / ∞

Covid restrictions to be determined

€17.50 for day ticket bought online
€33,50 for day ticket including travel by train from anywhere in NL (return ticket) (Best option for Eindhoven if you don’t have “Weekend vrij” travel)

November 5th
Travel on your own to Utrecht, meetup time in Utrecht will be discussed later in the telegram chat. Contact Nicky for more info.

More info at

I also went to spiel, what is different?
- Smaller fair, so more time to play games
- Asmodee is there and they likely will have a big discount pile with “damaged” games
- More Dutch vendors
- Higher chance to be able to get English versions (exempted 999 games titles like Catan and Carcassonne)
- Dutch games available

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