Open boardgame evening - Winter university
Friday 27 December 19:00
Luna livingroom
Organised by
Activity Committee
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Ho ho ho merry RidderklaasKerstAndNieuw,
On Friday December 27th the Knights will collaborate with the TU/e Winter University to host 2 fun activities.
During the afternoon (14:00-17:00) we will play “Blood on the Clocktower” which is a fun traitor social game (comparable to Werewolves but much better). So join us in Luna and bluf your way to victory or outsmart the other players.
Do you want to join Blood on the Clocktower buy your tickets here, if you are a Knights member go to this Telegram:
During the evening (19:15) there will be a fun boardgame evening where you can enjoy some great games, from short party games up to a long evening full of strategy.
For the boardgame evening no subscription is required.
Finally we also need some volunteers, so if you want to help run the games of Blood on the Clocktower or help the people who have little experience with boardgames please contact either Tim Heiszwolf or Ricardo Loock
Sign-ups are closed
Registrations are optional, but are appreciated!