Knights Family Day
Saturday 15 March
Starts 3 hours later than normal!
Luna Basement/Living Room
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Do you find it difficult to explain to your parents that you spend your evenings (and days) in a semi- well ventilated basement with mostly working lights and actually no cockroaches? That’s understandable, but luckily this is the moment to show them.
On the 15th of march all of your willing family members are welcome to come to the luna basement and experience “the Knights”.
We will play some board- and roleplaying games, show your family the building (maybe you’ll even see something new) and eat lunch together.
Of course we believe in “hoe meer zielen hoe meer vreugd”, but we would like to know a couple of things, please sign up via the link below.
{Link will be here soon^TM}
Lucas, Jet, Tristan en Isa
Subscriptions will open on 8 March, 12:00
Registrations are optional, but are appreciated!